I want to yell it from the mountaintops, but instead, I’ll post it on the La Brisa Blog! This makes a profound statement, too, right?! I would love to announce the launch of my boudoir photography business Just B!
Let’s get personal, here. Last year, during Mr. Mussack’s deployment, I traveled from Manhattan, KS to San Diego, CA home of the Boudoir Divas! I intended on leaving with a gift for my husband and ended up having a life altering experience. I left their studio that day knowing that boudoir photography was what I was meant to do. (Thank you, Marissa!) Fast forward 9 months and I was back in SD, attending the Divas’ Workshop. I learned SO much about lighting techniques, posing and how to use my resources. That’s when I really started conceptualizing Just B. My life in Georgia has been consumed with branding, logos, websites, twitter accounts, pricing, equipment, studio space, business insurance, tax forms and so many other elements that go into building a business. As weird as it sounds, and as stressful as it all may be, I LOVE THIS PROCESS!
Don’t you worry, I am sticking with La Brisa as well! Chris and Autumn have been INCREDIBLY supportive and I am so thankful to have such amazing coworkers and friends. La Brisa has been my life for the past three years, and although Just B is going to be a lot of work, I am more than determined to continue to excel with both avenues.
There aren’t a lot of people who really know me, but those who do, know that I am a people pleaser. I want to throw surprise parties, send cards randomly and show up with gifts for no occasion at all. I want to give the gift of confidence and a totally rad experience to women. This is how I truly combine my personality with my skill set. I just want women to know that you don’t have to be scantily clad to be beautiful, sundresses and scarves and sweaters are all welcome. The experience you have is only as good as how comfortable you are.
With that being said, I will be hosting Just B Exclusive Events all around the country to meet the needs of my clients. My first stop is where my passion for boudoir photography sparked, Manhattan, KS. I have provided a link with details regarding the First Ever Exclusive Event in August! This Exclusive Event will be hosted at the Pierre Street Inn and OH BOY, am I excited about THAT! I am also teaming up with Alicia’s Makeup Artistry; I have worked with Alicia a few times and I have been blown away with her abilities! This lady has some serious skill! Another shout out to a truly instrumental person in the Just B process, Danielle Kavan of Unparalleled Designs. Website work, logo design, back patting, she does it all and does it well!
Again, I just truly want to thank everyone who has been involved in making this dream become a reality. I could never have gotten this far without some pretty amazing people trusting in my abilities
AAAAHHHHHHH, it all sounds so cheesy. I am following my dreams…no, but really, I AM.
Here is a link to information for the First Just B Exclusive Event in Manhattan, KS! https://www.dropbox.com/s/qxwykp4iu5m22gm/JustB_Announcement.jpg
Here is a link to the Just B Facebook Page: https://www.facebook. com/justBphoto
Here is a link to the Just B Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/ justbmussack
And here is my email address if you have any questions: b@justbphoto.com
~ b

You are going to rock this. Please come back to Iowa.